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Mommy and Me: Horsies!
Looking for something to do between drop off and pick up? Want to do something special and different yet close and convenient?
Come visit The City Ranch for a "Mommy and Me: Horses and Ponies" session!
We will be hosting an hour long "Mommy and Me" event, open to any caregiver and their toddler/preschool age children. Children will be able to directly interact with a horse or pony, where they can pet, brush, feed, and love on one of our many sweet, mild mannered equines. Kids and caregivers will learn safety basics, how to safely groom and walk a horse, and more!
Spots are limited to ensure the safety of all participants. Please call in advance to register at 410-456-2195 TODAY!
*The City Ranch is a 501c3 non-profit dedicated to the health and growth of its community through educational outreach programs.
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