Turkey Trot 2022
Join us in the saddle for an hour-long trail ride at Patapsco State Park! Tickets are $90 and available for purchase here:...

Sunday was a busy day at City Ranch!
First time riding experiences, returning guests...it was a beautiful day for riding!

Polo lessons
The City Ranch opens our riding students up to many opportunities. The trainers encourage, guide and introduce them to different...

A Break in the Rain Clouds
Wrapping up a rainy week here at the ranch. With a break in the clouds we are bringing up the horses for dinner. The trick to making this...

Northwood Parade
City Ranch Crew brought 3 of the horses out to Northwood in Baltimore City to participate in the community parade. Afterwards the horses...

Dreams Come True!
Introductory lessons and first time experiences! Kendal's dream came true yesterday, after the City Ranch Crew met her at The Maryland...

Trail Riding at City Ranch
Boarder Mr.Billy took teen volunteers/riding buddies on a trail ride yesterday around the City Ranch property. The weather was amazing!...
Celebrating 9 Years of Service
We are celebrating City Ranch's ninth year of service and recognizing individuals and organizations that helped us get this far. Join us...